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  • Dennis Bingham

How to Grow Your Business: Buying and Selling Online

Man sitting on a couch holding an Ipad and credit card making an online transaction

The business world looks very different in the digital technology age. Thanks to e-commerce, your small business is no longer limited to the local market; it is now international.


With the advent of online buying and selling, your doors are open to new clients in ways that brick-and-mortar stores lack.


This one-stop guide provides small business owners with actionable advice on the ins and outs of e-commerce success.


Advantages of E-Commerce

Increased Market Reach

E-commerce permits little ventures to take part in the contemporary economy, so you would now be able to contact clients almost all around the world.


Your business is open 24/7 and brings customers across the board, spanning numerous time zones and regions, with an online store.


Global e-commerce sales are expected to hit 8.1 trillion by 2026 (source: Statista), demonstrating the size of the opportunity for you as an investor.


Convenience and Accessibility

Customers like convenient shopping from the comfort of their homes online. An online store can be launched and run from anywhere if you have an internet connection.


BigCommerce found that 96% of Americans shop online already, making it a massive market with room for growth in domestic e-commerce sales.


Cost Savings

One of the best benefits of having an online store is that your overhead costs will be much lower than a physical store. Overhead costs like rent, utilities, and in-store employees can be reduced or eliminated.


That money can be reinvested into marketing, product development, and other initiatives to help you grow.


The power of E-Commerce in Helping Small Businesses


Some Small Business Success Stories

Case Study 1: A Minnesota bakery reached a broader range of customers by launching an online enabling the shipment of its famous cookies nationwide. Sales tripled within a year of this move.


Case Study 2: A tiny boutique clothing store in Texas began e-commerce through Etsy and picked up an army of loyal customers across the U.S., generating a 150% spike annually.


Aggregated Statistical Growth of E-commerce

According to Hostinger, e-commerce accounts for 19.5% of worldwide retail sales. Forecasts estimate that online sales will reach 23% by 2027.


The coronavirus pandemic rapidly pushed shifts to online shopping on orders, solidifying as a preference order business for many consumers even after physical stores reopened.



Top Online Store Platforms to Set Up Shop

A man's hands typing on a lap top with Shopify on the screen


Its simple user-centered interface and vast app store make it suitable for businesses of all sizes. It also has multiple pricing options, making it perfect for startups and large companies.


WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin for building an online store. It is flexible and should be a good fit for WordPress users.


BigCommerce is a popular platform for enterprise-sized businesses that offers online store creation, SEO, hosting, marketing, and security.


Features and Pricing Comparison

Shopify pricing starts at $29/month with Shopify Lite and goes up to $299 monthly. Some core functionalities are a payment gateway, editable themes, and a vast app store.

WooCommerce is free but expensive with hosting fees and themes/plugins. It is best for those looking to control design and functionality across the store.

BigCommerce pricing plans from $29.95 to 299.95/ month. Good for Grownup companies who need more advanced features and multi-channel integration in a scalable solution


Designing a Successful E-Commerce Store

User Experience & Mobility Friendly

A well-thought-out online store improves the ease with which customers can browse and locate products.


Mobil commerce is the source for buying and selling goods and services using handheld devices.


Clean and Navigable Layout

Simple, cleanly designed site with intuitive UX There should be clear titles to categories and subcategories and a prominently displayed search function.


High-resolution images and informative product details are vital. A study conducted by BigCommerce shows that 78% of shoppers want visuals to bring products to life.


Listing Products Effectively

Imac with hand extended with credit card towards another Imac with hand extended with a gift bag

High-Quality Photos

High-resolution images from multiple perspectives help customers judge a product. Use professional photos or invest in a good camera and lighting structure.


Product descriptions must be extensive and emphasize what makes the product stand out and its benefits. They should be organized with a solid structure of bullet points and use relevant keywords for SEO.


Product Listing SEO Best Practices

Perform keyword research to identify key phrases your intended audience is looking up. Using tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs, you can find keywords that have high value.


Customize product titles, descriptions, and meta tags with these keywords. This will increase your store's visibility in search engine results and attract more organic visitors.

Finding a Niche or Competitive Advantage

11 water pistols in 3 colors showing product color and style advantage

First and foremost, you need to discover a profitable area in the marketplace.


How to Discover & Assess a Niche Market

Begin with your interests and expertise. But it gets even better when you build a business around something that lights YOU up.


The logical questions are: Who, what, and when is a product trending? Compile data from the likes of Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers & social media.


Monetize: Assess whether your niche has the potential to be monetized by reviewing demand, competition, and size of the target audience.


The value of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A USP makes your product or service different from the rest of your competitors. It could be something distinctive, such as your outstanding service or the compelling narrative of how it is made uniquely.


Communicate your USP on your website and marketing materials to attract and retain customers.


Competitive work

Tools and Techniques

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Similarweb can give you insight into your competition's website, where they get their traffic, and all their marketing strategies.


Analyze their types of products, pricing models, and customer reviews to identify strengths and weaknesses.


Using Competitor Insights

Target unmet needs or market gaps that competitors aren't fulfilling. Thus, you can use this as an occasion to launch new products or enhance customer experience.


Take cues from their successes and failures to iterate on the business model you follow in the future, leveraging common failures.


How to Evaluate a Business Idea

Qualities of a Good Business Idea

  • Demand: Is there a large enough market to purchase your product?

  • Competition: Can you win in this market?

  • Profitability: Will any profit be made from this business at a reasonable margin?


How to Validate Your Business Idea

Customer feedback is gathered through surveys and focus groups. Test your product by pre-selling it with a small launch (coming soon).


Use this feedback and data to improve your final product or business model.


The Definitive Business Plan Writing Guide

  • Mission Statement: Your mission statement should focus on why your business exists, what you are building, and who it is for.

  • Market Analysis: Study your target market in terms of size, growth potential, and trends.

  • Marketing Strategy (advertising, promotions. partnerships thereof).



A target with an arrow in the center depicting focus on your target audience

Competitor Audiences


Use tools like Facebook Audience Insights and Google Analytics to learn from competitor audience demographics and interests.


Looking at competitors' social media followers and engagement numbers helps identify what resonates with their audience.


Using Insights

Craft marketing messages and campaigns that address your target persona's needs, interests, and pain points.


Showcase your value proposition to stand out from the rest.


Building Thorough Buyer Personas


How to Create Buyer Personas

Get demographic data, including age, sex, and whereabouts.

Understand interests, hobbies, pain points, and spending behaviors.


Customer surveys, interviews, and data analytics are great tactics for creating precise, detailed property personas.


Examples of Buyer Personas

  • E-commerce Fashion Store: Age 18 to 30 something, Eco-Friendly Professional - Name = Sophia - an eco-friendly professional who works in a fashion store or with a brand. True trend lover prefers shopping online on her smartphone as she finds it easy.

  • Home Improvement Business: "Mike, 45, DIY enthusiast who appreciates higher-end tools and materials... he frequently searches for how-to videos and project ideas online."


Use the insights gained to tailor your products, marketing, and customer service to meet customer needs better.


Deciding Which Products to Sell


Research Methods

For example, Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers, and eBay Watch Count can help you identify trending products that sell well.


Determine Demanded Products using search volume data and social media trends.


Managing Demand and Profits

Know your cost of production, shipping costs, and market value while choosing products.


Concentrate on in-demand products with good profit margins for long-term growth.


Pricing Your Products the Right Way


Pricing your products correctly is essential for success in the competitive online marketplace. Here are some strategies to help you get it right.

Woman standing behind a display case with a variety of baked goods with pricing on the display window

Pricing Strategies for Competitive Markets

  • Market Research: Start by analyzing the pricing strategies of your competitors. Understand their market positioning and price points to find where your products fit.

  •  Value-Based Pricing: Consider value-based pricing if your product offers unique benefits or superior quality. This strategy allows you to set higher prices based on the perceived value to the customer.

  •  Cost-Plus Pricing: Calculate the total cost of production, including materials, labor, shipping, and marketing, then add a markup to ensure a profit. This straightforward approach ensures you cover all expenses.

  •  Dynamic Pricing: Adjust your prices based on market demand and competition. Use tools that track competitor prices and automatically adjust yours to remain competitive without sacrificing profit margins.


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Calculating Costs and Margins

  • Comprehensive Cost Analysis: Include all costs, both tangible (production, shipping) and intangible (marketing, overhead), in your pricing calculations.

  • Profit Margin Targets: Determine your desired profit margin and ensure your pricing strategy aligns with this goal.

  •  Utilize Pricing Tools: Online pricing tools and calculators can help you set competitive prices that maximize profitability.


Understanding Business Models


Choosing the right business model is crucial for online buying and selling success. Here are seven primary business models to consider:


Retail Model

The retail model involves buying products in bulk from manufacturers or wholesalers and selling them individually to customers. This model is ideal for those who want to manage inventory and provide a wide range of products.


Drop shipping

Drop shipping allows you to sell products without holding inventory. When a customer orders, the supplier ships the product directly to the customer. This model reduces upfront costs and inventory management but requires reliable suppliers.


Subscription Model

The subscription model involves selling products or services regularly, such as monthly or annually. This model provides a steady revenue stream and builds long-term customer relationships.


White Labeling

White labeling allows you to rebrand generic products from manufacturers and sell them under your brand. This model is great for creating a unique brand identity without product development costs.



Wholesaling involves selling products in bulk to other businesses. This model requires managing larger volumes and potentially lower profit margins but offers the advantage of higher sales volumes.



Operating a marketplace involves creating a platform where multiple sellers can list and sell their products. This model generates revenue through listing fees or commissions on sales and requires robust platform management.



Manufacturing your products gives you complete control over production and quality. This model involves higher upfront costs and complexities but offers unique and exclusive product offerings.


By understanding these business models and choosing the right pricing strategy, you can effectively manage demand and profits in your online business.


Creating an Online Store


  • Shopify: Beginning at $29/month, Shopify is easy to utilize and has a wide application store for fledgling and traditional organizations.

  •  WooCommerce: It can be customized extensively and is free, but you need WordPress experience. It's perfect for power users.

  •  BigCommerce: Starting from $29.95/month with powerful features and scalable plans for small to medium size businesses


Platforms Pros and Cons

  • Shopify: simple, fantastic customer support but can become pricy with add-ons.

  • WooCommerce: budget-friendly with a lot of opportunities for customization but hard to build and maintain.

  • BigCommerce: The pricing is high, but it's reliable and feature-rich, so it may be overkill for a small business

How to Create Must-Have Store Pages



  • Product Pages: Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews.

  •  About Page: Share your brand story, mission, and values to build customer trust.

  •  FAQ: Address common questions to reduce customer inquiries and improve user experience.

  •  Contact Page: Provide multiple contact options, including email, phone, and social media links.

Tips for Creating Compelling Pages

  • Use clear and concise language.

  • Incorporate SEO best practices to improve search engine visibility.

  •  Include calls to action to guide customers toward purchasing or contacting you.


Optimizing the Checkout Process

Reducing Cart Abandonment

  • Simplify the checkout process by minimizing the number of steps.

  • Offer multiple payment options to cater to different customer preferences.

  • To build confidence, display trust signals, such as security badges and customer reviews.

Enhancing User Experience During Checkout

  • Use a progress indicator to show customers how many steps remain.

  •  Enable guest checkout to reduce barriers for first-time customers.

  •  Provide clear and transparent shipping information and costs.


Inventory Management

Tools and Techniques

  • Inventory management software like Trade Gecko, Cin7, or Ordoro can be used to track stock levels and automate reorders.

  •  Implement just-in-time inventory to minimize holding costs and reduce the risk of overstocking.


Automating Reorder

  • Set up automatic reorder points based on historical sales data and demand forecasts.

  •  Regularly audit inventory to identify discrepancies and prevent stockouts.


Choosing Your Sales Channels


Overview of Sales Channels

Benefits and Drawbacks

  • Online Store: This business offers high-profit margins and full control over branding, but significant effort is required to drive traffic.

  • Online Marketplaces: Access to large audiences but higher competition and fees.

  • Social Commerce: Engages customers on platforms they already use, but converting social interactions into sales can take time and effort.

  • B2B/Wholesale: Increases sales volume with bulk orders but typically lower profit margins.


Integrating Multiple Sales Channels


  • Use a centralized inventory management system to keep track of stock across all channels.

  •  Ensure consistent branding and messaging across all platforms.

  •  Leverage cross-channel marketing to drive traffic from one channel to another.


Case Studies of Successful Multi-Channel Selling


  • Brand A: Shopify is used for its online store, Amazon for marketplace sales, and Instagram for social commerce. It has achieved a 200% increase in sales.

  •  Brand B combines a physical retail presence with an online store and wholesale distribution, resulting in a diversified revenue stream and increased market reach.

Setting Up Payment Processing

Man holding a phone processing a payment

Comparison of Payment Processors

Features and Benefits

  • PayPal: Widely recognized and trusted, it offers buyer protection but higher fees.

  • Stripe is developer-friendly and supports various payment methods, but requires some technical knowledge.

  • Square: Seamless integration with point-of-sale systems but limited international availability.


Secure Transactions and PCI Compliance

  • Ensure your payment gateway is PCI-compliant to protect customer data and reduce the risk of fraud.

  •  Regularly update your website's security measures, including SSL certificates and encryption, to safeguard against cyber threats.

Benefits of Digital Wallets

Customer Convenience

  • Digital wallets, such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Shop Pay, allow customers to store payment information securely and complete purchases with just a few clicks.

  • Offering digital wallet options can reduce cart abandonment and increase conversion rates.


Integrating Digital Wallets

  • Most e-commerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce, offer easy integration with popular digital wallets.

  •  Highlight the availability of digital wallet options on your checkout page to encourage their use.


Choosing Your Shipping Methods


Domestic and International Shipping

Choosing Reliable Providers

  • Compare rates and services from multiple carriers, such as USPS, FedEx, and UPS, to find the best fit for your business.

  •  Consider using a shipping aggregator like ShipStation or Shippo to simplify rate comparisons and label printing.


Reducing Shipping Costs

  • Offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount to encourage larger purchases and offset shipping costs.

  •  Use flat-rate shipping for simplicity and predictability.

  •  Partner with fulfillment centers or third-party logistics (3PL) providers to streamline order processing and reduce delivery times.


Omnichannel Fulfillment


  • Provides a seamless shopping experience by integrating online and offline channels.

  •  It allows customers to choose from various fulfillment options, such as buying online, picking up in-store (BOPIS), and shipping from the store.

Implementing Strategies

  • Inventory management software is used to track stock levels across all channels.

  • Train staff to handle omnichannel orders and provide excellent customer service.

  • Review and optimize your fulfillment processes to ensure efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Promoting Your Products


Social Media Promotion

  • Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to capture attention.

  • Share a mix of product-related posts, behind-the-scenes content, customer testimonials, and user-generated content.

  • Engage with followers by responding to comments, hosting giveaways, and running polls.


Leveraging Social Media Ads

  • Create targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to reach your ideal audience.

  •  Use retargeting ads to re-engage customers who have visited your site but have yet to purchase.

  • Monitor ad performance and adjust your strategy based on results.


Paid Advertising Campaigns

Setting Up and Optimizing Ads

  • Choose the right platforms for your target audience, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads.

  • Write compelling ad copy and use eye-catching visuals to attract clicks.

  • Set a budget and bid strategy that aligns with your goals, whether driving traffic, generating leads, or increasing sales.


Measuring ROI

  • Use analytics tools to track key metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

  •  Analyze the performance of different ad creatives, audiences, and placements to identify what works best.

  •  Continuously test and optimize your campaigns to improve results and maximize ROI.


Content Marketing Strategies

Creating Valuable Content

  • Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule blog posts, videos, social media updates, and email newsletters.

  • Focus on creating content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience.

  • Use storytelling to connect with customers emotionally and build brand loyalty.


Using Blogs, Videos, Newsletters

  • Blogs: Write informative and SEO-optimized articles that address your target audience's common questions and pain points.

  •  Videos: Create how-to videos, product demonstrations, and customer testimonials to showcase your products and build trust.

  •  Newsletters: Send regular email updates with exclusive offers, product announcements, and valuable content to keep your audience engaged.


Continuously Improving Your Services


Automating Business Processes

Identifying Tasks

  • List repetitive tasks that consume a lot of time, such as inventory management, order processing, and customer support.

  •  Evaluate automation tools and software that streamline these tasks, such as Zapier,, and Integromat.


Tools and Software

  • Email marketing automation tools like Mailchimp or Klaviyo to send targeted campaigns and follow-up emails.

  •  Implement customer service chatbots to handle common inquiries and free up time for your support team.

  •  Integrate your e-commerce platform with accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero to automate financial tasks.


Blending Online and In-Person Sales

Hosting Pop-Up Shops and Events

  • Organize pop-up shops or participate in local markets and events to reach new customers and build brand awareness.

  •  Use these opportunities to gather feedback, test new products, and create memorable customer experiences.


Using Physical Presence

  • Encourage customers to visit your online store by offering exclusive discounts or promotions at your physical location.

  •  Implement a buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) option to drive foot traffic and increase customer convenience.

  •  Collect customer contact information during in-person events to add to your email list and nurture long-term relationships.


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E-commerce offers immense opportunities for small businesses to expand their reach, reduce costs, and increase sales.


E-commerce success can be achieved by leveraging the advantages of online buying and selling, investing in the right platforms, designing user-friendly stores, and optimizing your marketing and operational strategies.


Continuously improve your services and adapt to market trends to stay ahead of the competition and grow your business effectively.


Additional Resources

Thank you for reading this article on Selling Online. We recommend these additional articles related to starting a business.


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